I Walk ... Alot


   I suppose it was inevitable, with a "hub-name" like Constant Walker, I'd do a hub about walking. I'm literally a constant walker. I walk everywhere I go. I used to keep a mountain bike handy (and these days you can get some nice models at Wal-Mart for about $100) for those days that I didn't feel like walking. But it just sat there, neglected. I always felt like walking. I felt sorry for the bike. A silver & red y-frame Mongoose with dual-suspension, grip-shifts and disc brakes. A stallion of mountain bikes, going un-ridden. It just wasn't right. So I gave it to my co-worker. He lives about the same distance as I do from work but still thinks riding is better. It's quicker, I'll give him that. But it's not better.

   I noticed a long time ago that when it's cold and you have a choice of riding or walking, it's warmer to walk. You don't have the wind-chill factor and you certainly don't get as wet if it's raining. Walkers can carry an umbrella and the motion of walking generates more body heat than riding. And you'd be amazed at the things you notice along the way, things you might have driven or ridden past a thousand times before but never seen. People will wave to you... and smile... and say 'hello.' It's nice. And, I've been downloading audio books to listen to while I'm walking. Just be sure not to get too involved in the story to pay attention when crossing streets.

   I realize not everyone can walk to work and back. Many people live too far or just don't have the time, but if you can, I absolutely promise you won't regret it. If you live a mile and a half or less from where you work, you can walk it in 30 minutes or less. And the health benefits, both physically and mentally, are numerous. Here are just a few:

  • Healthy heart
  • Cancer prevention
  • Easy body fat loss
  • Manage your blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol better than any drug
  • Diabetes prevention (as diabetes is many times brought on by obesity)
  • Good health and vitality during senior years
  • A healthy pregnancy
  • Strong legs and a sharp mind
  • Alzheimer's prevention
  • Add healthy years to your life
  • Quiet (reletively, considering passing traffic) reflecting time - even with an iPod or disc player. This is more valuable than most people think.

   So, if you can work it into your schedule, get that motivation stirred up and decide to start walking. Get yourself some good sneakers (you can pick up some great Dr. Scholl's with gel insoles at Wal-Mart for under $30), an umbrella, a warm coat for the colder months, an iPod or CD player and go for it. The benefits will come quick and you'll be glad forever you did.



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